This rather attractive form of Akebia has exquisite creamy coloured flowers (hence the botanical name of Akebia Quinata Cream Form) which in April are nicely set off by the lush light green foliage. The leaves are very attractive and consist of 5 leaflets looking a little like the outstretched fingers of the hand. The flowers are vanilla scented, cream on the outside with a lovely deep maroon centre. Akebia’s are very unusual in the fact that they have both male and female flowers on the same racemes. Very strange looking sausage fruits can be produced given a long warm summer
This fast growing semi evergreen climber can be used in most situations, fences and most walls as it is tolerant of most situations including quite shady spots
Available in economy and premium selection
Economy - rooted into its pot but a further season before moving up a pot size.
Premium - more growth in its pot. More mature than Economy
We also stock and supply planting sundries to aid establishment and promote growth. If you do not see what you are looking for please enquire as we still may be able to help.