Clematis Montana, fast growing strong climber that is perfect for scrambling through or over almost anything and can be used to good effect to hide, soften or disguise unwanted views. Clematis Montana is spectacularly covered in white pink tinged flowers in May. A most useful tough climber for more difficult conditions including north aspects.
This is the original species form of Clematis montana of which now many forms and colours have now been bred, Found naturally in the wild over a large area ranging from the Himalayas, to China, Introduced in 1831 by Lady Amherst.
Available in economy and premium selection
Economy - rooted into its pot but a further season before moving up a pot size.
Premium - more growth in its pot. More mature than Economy
We also stock and supply planting sundries to aid establishment and promote growth. If you do not see what you are looking for please enquire as we still may be able to help.